After All This Bread-Baking Comes the Great Pancake Revival

I made pancakes with my roommate this Wednesday, paired with a perfect fruit compote on the side, nestled next to a fried egg with a pesto smile. The whole thing was such sensory overload–in the good way that only food can really provide rn–that I almost wept. If you're feeling like 'cakes, Edith's article will get you in the mood. And you can masticate (ew sounds naughty) the rest of this week's goodness below over a perfect ratio of flapjack to syrup. Enjoy! —Amalie

After All This Bread-Baking Comes the Great Pancake Revival


Stress Mask, U Say?

Truly… say no more. It has botanical oils and peppermint extract to take you from no chill to all chill, perfect for a news cycle that makes your grey hairs sprout in droves, (oh, just moi?)

Stress Mask, U Say?

Quarantine: Bad for My Mental Health, Better for My Rosacea



6! Hot! Tips! to Spice Up Your Relationship (With Your Roommate)



5 FIT Students on Their Style and This Strange Semester


Let's Get Steamy

Let's Get Steamy

Do not knock. A Damn. Good. Steamer. Market Strategist Extraordinaire, Eliz Tamkin, swears by this one for making wrinkles wave a white flag, Dido style. Seeing as she's a woman who steams with aplomb… I trust.


The Last 5 Photos In My Camera Roll, Annotated in Exquisite Detail



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